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a bit about me:




My work, which I love,  is a constant multi-tasking in the sphere of the arts and culture. I was brought up in a story telling environment full of myths, tales and narrations and that helped me develop fantasy and imagination.With Homer I climbed up the Olymp to reach  the 12 Gods. And I am still following their infinite adventures and their lessons for mankind.



My first tale was the Argonautes. I used to dream of Medea and the golden fleece with 5 years. As an adolescent I have travelled with Herodotus, the father of history in the  "then known world": from Athens, my home land,  to Kolchis, Persia and Egypt. Herodotus wtinessed the Acropolis of Athens, being built. Looking out of my window, I cannot  help to think  he  actually visited the construction site! May be he even talked to Perikles, whose summer residence was just a few kilometers away, today in the Perikleous Street! 



With Thoukydides,  Plato, Aristotle and the Greco-Roman civilization,  I discovered as a student what is complementary to imagination, namely  abstract thinking and science. And that is the legacy for the whole world.

Growing up I realized that the whole world is full of treasures and that we should not leave them unattended. I am eager to telll and share the stories I am passionately collecting ever since.


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